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Using Helmut/CatDV/LucidLink Workflows

Please see the Helmut4 Overview if you have not already.

CHESA has built integrations between Helmut4, CatDV, and LucidLink to make the platforms work together to in a completely cloud-first workflow to support media asset management alongside Adobe project management, all without on-prem storage.

Certain actions in Helmut4 will trigger actions in CatDV and LucidLink. For example, creating a project in HelmutFX will trigger the creation of a catalog in CatDV, and keep the assets in the Adobe project synced into CatDV.

Here are a few high-level examples of integration functionality that CHESA-deployed Helmut4/CatDV/LucidLink systems will have pre-installed.

  • Project folder creation on LucidLink based on project file and project folder templates

  • Import of legacy Adobe projects to Helmut4/CatDV/LucidLink

  • Auto-mounting of a LucidLink Filespace upon login to Helmut4

  • Auto-import of assets to LucidLink, if a user imports them from local storage

  • Export of sequence to LucidLink through Media Encoder saved profiles

  • Age-based archiving of project assets

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