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Getting Help

Every Acorn comes with a CHESA Acorn Cloud Service Level Agreement (SLA).

What is a CHESA Acorn Cloud SLA?

Included with Acorn Cloud, the CHESA Acorn Cloud SLA covers not only keeping your platform up and running but extends coverage to your users and the systems you typically utilize to perform Acorn-related work. With Acorn Cloud support through your SLA, you have access to one of the largest and most skilled industry support teams - from Monday 8am to Friday 9pm, including overnight. 

Operating as an extension of your IT team, our service desk maintains Acorn Cloud availability, and is dedicated to proactive monitoring, focused on expedited issue remediation and root cause analysis.

As an Adobe Video Solution Partner, our service desk team will have the knowledge to provide guidance on Adobe Premiere best practices or simply how to archive a project if your team needs a reminder.

CHESA's Acorn Cloud SLA includes regular updates and security monitoring of the Acorn Cloud platform components. We can also provide guidance on creative workstation updates that may impact your users too! While updates may require planned outage periods, CHESA will work where possible to ensure they're non-disruptive.

With CHESA's Service Desk Team, you can have peace of mind that your Acorn Cloud environment will be accessible whenever your team needs it.

When does the Acorn Cloud SLA begin?

The Acorn Cloud SLA begins when the first user logs in. 

How do I get support?

  • Contact CHESA via the support portal - click the link in the top right of this page

  • Call the service desk at (410) 705-6286

What are the Acorn Cloud SLA support hours?

Monday 8am (08:00) through Friday 9pm (21:00) in the US mainland timezone where your primary site or contacts are located.

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