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ABI Cloud

Should you have data in another cloud - Azure, AWS, BackBlaze, GCP, Wasabi, etc - CHESA can provide ABI Cloud ingest to transfer data from other cloud storage in to Acorn. As a managed service, CHESA will determine the best workflow to transfer your data from its original location to your Acorn.

To initiate the ABI Cloud ingest process after ordering, CHESA will request appropriate credentials to access your data and determine the most efficient manner in which to perform the transfer. CHESA Engineers will inspect content to prepare for ingest, including any data sanitization requirements. Should data appear incompatible with any Acorn service components, CHESA will resolve under an out of spec fee.

Upon conclusion and confirmation from the client the dataset is correct, CHESA will disconnect any one-way sync services established. As data becomes ready, it will be ingested into Acorn and organized with a structure matching the structure in the prior environment.

Supported Services

Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud

Microsoft Azure





S3-compatible storage1

1. S3-compatible storage where current, 100% compatible APIs are implemented.

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