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Acorn Bulk Ingest

CHESA offers an Acorn Bulk Ingest (ABI) service, allowing the ingest of data either faster than, or without constraining, an outgoing internet connection.

ABI Specifications

  • 80TB capacity

  • Up to 100Gbit/s network connectivity

    • RJ45, SFP+, or QSFP+ support

  • CHESA remote monitoring

  • NFS or S3 protocol compatibility

  • Full, enforced encryption at rest and in transit

Process Overview

  1. Client orders ABI

  2. CHESA prepares and ships to client

  3. Client receives and connects ABI

  4. Client transfers content to ABI, CHESA monitors

  5. Client return ships ABI

  6. CHESA prepares content for Acorn ingest

    1. CHESA notifies client if additional processing is required

  7. CHESA performs Acorn content ingest

Process Detail

At a per-device rate, CHESA will ship a ABI device capable of storing up to 80TB to a client location anywhere within the continental United States - shipping included. Each device is available onsite for ten days, extendable and charged at a day rate. Prior to shipping, CHESA will verify network conditions and likely transfer rates to ensure a mutually understood timeline. ABI devices can be connected via ethernet between 10G and 100G, depending on client equipment and network capabilities.

CHESA will remotely assist with any required network configuration of each device, before handing off to the client for transfer. Remotely monitoring transfer statuses and device health, CHESA will assist with the prompt return shipment. Upon arrival, CHESA Engineers will inspect content to prepare for ingest, including any data sanitization requirements. 

Should data appear incompatible with any Acorn service components, CHESA will resolve under an out of spec fee.

As data is confirmed ready, it will be ingested into Acorn and organized with a structure matching the folder structure written to the ABI.

While each ABI device is available onsite for ten days, multiple devices can be ordered simultaneously if internal bandwidth allows, or overlapping sequentially to maintain a cadence of flow and ingest. CHESA will advise on the best approach to take once investigating and understanding data repositories and capabilities. Note that overlapping device deliveries are dependent on partner hardware availability.

For current pricing, please reach out to your Account Executive.

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