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User Workstation Requirements


Acorn is a suite of services offered exclusively by CHESA with SaaS-model licensing (not normally available if you purchase the solutions separately).The following are included in Acorn.

  • CHESA-managed AWS back-end storage, networking, database, compute, messaging, and serverless resources

  • CatDV for digital asset management

  • LucidLink for production storage

  • Helmut4 for project file management and workflow orchestration

Acorn also includes pre-built functionality and back-end integrations between the platforms that are beneficial to all customers of the platform. Here is an example or two of those:

  • When an Admin creates/modifies/deletes a user in CatDV, a user with the same name and password will be created/modified/deleted in LucidLink.

  • When a project is created in Helmut, a catalog with the same name is created in CatDV

  • Assets can be archived/restored to deep archive (S3/Glacier)

The customer-facing portions of the Acorn platform are CatDV, LucidLink, and Helmut. Not all of these solutions offer SSO, nor even the ability to bind to Active Directory for identity management. So we aren't able to offer SSO integration with Acorn, but it's on the roadmap as soon as all platforms support SAML 2.0 and we can test the integrations sufficiently. For now - we have the background integration between CatDV and LucidLink that effectively "mirrors" what an administrator does with users in CatDV - Create, modify, delete users will create/mod/delete the same username in LucidLInk with the same password. We've yet to build this integration with Helmut because Helmut was just added to the offering recently, but that's part of the plan.

Workstation Software Requirements

All installs of software will require administrator credentials to be entered during the installs of the software.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud (bring your own Adobe CC account)

  • LucidLink client: The LucidLink client install involves a kernel extension install and will require a restart of the workstation once installed. Here's a link to the firewall port rules.

  • Helmut4 client: The Helmut4 client is a lightweight workflow engine that runs a lightweight web service on the workstation that communicates with the Helmut Server. The client can be downloaded from your own Helmut4 server instance. It installs a background service only, which can be accessed from the menu bar when it’s running, but the menu bar icon really only tells you if you are connected in the web client, and gives you access to the client logs. Here is a link to the Helmut4 Tech Specs. This document covers all tech specs for Helmut, not just workstations, so there is only a small portion of this document that is pertinent. The Helmut4 client will require the ability to initiate network connections when it launches. Make sure this is allowed in the Security & Privacy preferences. You can go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall > Firewall Options and add Helmut4 to the list of applications with allowed network connections.

  • CatDV Adobe Panel (attached): This is how assets cataloged into CatDV can be imported into Premiere projects. Unfortunately this panel has an odd installation method. There's a 3rd party tool called UberManager that must be used to install it correctly. That tool can be located here.

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