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Onboarding: Welcome to Acorn Cloud

Welcome to Acorn Cloud! Your content’s new home will be ready shortly. If you haven’t already received confirmation and an offer from the Project Management team to schedule onboarding, please reach out to either the PM or your Account Manager.

When will my Acorn be available?

Firstly, we’ll reach out to schedule onboarding. Onboarding takes place in your own new Acorn, and as such, we need to prepare it before our Engineering team joins you to run through initial configurations and user set up. Luckily, this process is very fast - so we can ensure a smooth onboarding process in a timely fashion after we receive an order.

How does onboarding work?

Onboarding is a form of guided training we’ve built with both our understanding of Acorn and our substantial institutional knowledge and expertise of not only the technical side and the configuration of an asset management product, but the creative process too. Many team members have spent years on the client side, and bring expertise and passion, to the organization and workflow process - and we all want to help!

First, we’ll get you set up with an initial admin user, someone that will have more privilege in the environment than might be given to some of the team. You might not want some users to be able to add or modify other user accounts, so bear in mind that not everyone should have that kind of access. We’ll walk through the difference in user account types to ensure it’s clear. And roles can always be updated at a later date.

During this time we’ll guide you through setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA is required in Acorn - because it further secures both access to your Acorn, and to your data.

Acorn comes with a CHESA SLA which includes three (3) 1Password licenses - safely and securely holding your login and MFA credentials on any device. Download the client at - you’ll receive an invite as we onboard you.

After we’ve got basic users invited, we’ll get some metadata set up. If you don’t have a system today, that’s okay - our team relishes the challenge of setting up metadata schemas and hierarchies. Before your onboarding, take a moment to at least determine what you think would be important to you. You can always add or remove metadata fields later on, and typically teams will refine metadata as they understand what’s most and least useful.

When you think about metadata fields, schemas, and hierarchies, remember to keep to data that is actually useful. Free metadata is included already (frame rate, duration, media type, etc), but you’ll want good fields to leverage for organization and locating content.

Check out [link to metadata] for more background.

When we’ve shown you through setting up base metadata fields, we’ll help get you setup with your Filespace and (if desired Adobe CC panel). We’ll go over ingesting content from various sources, via both Filespace and website, and leveraging the new metadata fields, how to locate content in both Acorn web and the Adobe Panel.

Finally, but before we complete the onboarding, we’ll make sure any questions are answered, along with describing methods for getting support - from the docs here, to leveraging the included CHESA SLA to get help from our Service Desk Team.

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