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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Acorn requires Multi-Factor Authentication for all user accounts. As such, it is set up as part of each user’s setup process.

Once enabled, Acorn MFA can be turned off or recovered only by creating a support case.

For more information on the Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) standard, see this Wikipedia page.

TOTP is supported by most free and paid password managers, including 1Password, and built-in password managers in browsers like Apple’s Safari.

It is also possible to use Microsoft or Google Authenticator for such codes.

We strongly recommend a solution like 1Password, as to allows easy synchronization across your computers and devices including of TOTP MFA codes. This way, if you get a new phone and forget to migrate the Authenticator app configuration, you won’t need to open a support case to have it reset.

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